BDM. Banks & Business World
"BDM. Banks & Business World "- is a monthly business magazine with a strong financial-banking accent.
The magazine is being published since 1995 by its founder - a private publishing company "Russian Periodicals Salon." Its circulation is 15,000 copies; format - A4 size, full color.
BDM is a magazine with national focus; it was initially positioned as a platform for dialogue between different levels of the banking system, and in the recent years - for the dialogue between business and government. Among our partners are the Bank of Russia and its regional branches (including the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia), Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Ispolkom (the Executive Committee), the Business Center & Financial-Banking Council of the CIS, Association of the Regional Banks of Russia, the Financial Managers Guild, the Forum "West - East: Integration & Development”, World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations", etc. Our partners are attracted by the constructive approach of the magazine and its style of working with its authors and companions.
Another difference between BDM and other business publications is in its authors – the professionals, market players, representatives of government institutions, well-known analysts.
"BDM. Banks & Business World" is a corporate member of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia and the Financial Managers Guild.
The high professional reputation of our magazine is confirmed by numerous awards, among which are diplomas of Bank of Russia, Russian Union of Journalists, diplomas and silver marks of the Association of Russian Regional Banks, Financial Managers Guild, the "Russia" and "Banking Business” Awards, the "Crystal Ball" by the Deposits Insurance Agency.
Annually, BDM serves as the Informational Sponsor of 150 to 400 events, including international ones.