Moscow, Russia
Most Russian banks since the beginning of the crisis, for obvious reasons, have increased requirements for loans. In most cases, the collateral serves as protection for a lender against a borrower's default. By securing repayment of a loan, banks are trying to protect their business and to limit the risks. If the borrower has not coped with the loan repayment and collateral transferred to the bank, then the risks or, conversely, the best prospects also ceded to the bank. In addition, each bank has its own unique way of working with the collateral and how effectively banks cope with that task, depends on their stability and their place in the marketplace.
At IC|Energy conference we will bring together professionals from leading Russian and international banks to share practical experience on collateral management to improve the bottom line. Collateral experts will discuss the practical aspects of working with different types of collateral accepted for loans and will speak about issues of interaction between banks, legal and appraisal companies.
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